Boschie the Bushwick Art Cat roomie with Carla Gannis




Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy


Activating event you recently experienced about which you felt upset or disturbed, (e.g., "I was criticized.")




Irrational Belief or irrational evaluation you had about this activating event, (e.g., "I MUST not be criticized.")

What are your irrational beliefs about the situation?



Low Frustration Tolerance

People Rating


Emotional and behavioral Consequences of your irrational belief, (e.g., "Hurt and compulsive eating.")


What are the unhealthy (de-motivating) negative emotions that you are experiencing?


What self-defeating behaviors would you like to change?



Disputing or questioning your irrational belief, (e.g., "Why MUST I not be criticized?")

What are your disputing questions?


Effective new thinking or answer that resulted from disputing your irrational belief, (e.g., "Although I PREFER not to be criticized, nothing etched in stone states that I MUST not be.")

What are your rational beliefs about the situation?


New Feeling or behavior that resulted from disputing your irrational belief, (e.g., "Great displeasure and controlled eating.")

What are your new healthy (motivating) negative emotions?


What are your new self-helping behaviors?


Process to convert form, then copy/paste to a text editor to save for future referance and reflection  

Thanks to my teachers WILL ROSS and MICHAEL R. EDELSTEIN, Ph.D.